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English Teaching Design







Date of Teaching


Teaching Aids

English name

Sally Yang


Class 1

Grade 6



1.       tape recorder

2.       PowerPoint

教学目标 Teaching Targets


Teaching Contents


Function Targets

1. Using the simple present tense to express simple truth

2. Using adjectives to describe objects

3. Using ‘How many’ questions to find out quantity

4. Using demonstratives to refer to people


Oxford English Book 6

Page 2,


教学过程Teaching Procedure

Step1. Pre-task Activities

1.Revision of the vocabulary of relatives

    a) Revision of some vocabulary items. Ask Ss to look at the pictures and review some vocabulary items:

        son, brother, daughter, sister, father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, cousin

b) A game: Who is/are missing?

       In the following pictures, one or more family members are not here. Students look at the pictures and try to tell who is/are not here.


Step2. While-task Activities

1   Read ‘Look and read’ on page 2

     a) Play the recording. Students listen and read after the tape sentence by sentence

     b) Complete the text by themselves.

c) Look at picture. Ask questions and answer

Step3. Post-task Activities

1 Pair work:

a) Ask questions with your deskmate according to the pictures.

b) Learn the vocabularies: cousin, aunt, uncle

c) Do questions about family relationships.

 Encourage the Ss to introduce his/her family like this:

  eg: There are ______ people in my family.

     This is my______. These are my ______.

        I’m ______. (age)

        My ______ is ______(age).

        We live in ______ (place)

2 Group work: Introduce their families in groups of four.


板书设计Blackboard Writing

These are …..

This is …..

课后作业 Assignments

Grammar Book page 1,2


课后反思 Reconsideration

本课是六年级上学期第一单元My family and relatives部分对话题的语篇阅读教学。阅读过程中,重在培养学生的阅读兴趣,教会学生简单的阅读策略。在学习和实践的基础上,体现了以下特点:

1.  尽管是1班的学生,但是仍存在层次不一的情况,通过这次课,我发现1班有部分学习能力不太强的同学兴趣不高,甚至羞于参与课堂教学。针对这一情况,以后可以发挥小组合作,同桌交流的形式,让所有的学生都能参与课堂活动,以便各有所获。

 2.  整堂课中,以后还要注意学生阅读方法和阅读习惯的培养。在逐步理解课文的过程中,分别让学生采用快速读、默读、跟读、朗读方式进行学习。而且在每一次的活动中,都保证让学生带着一定的任务去读,具有一定的目的性,并规定用不同符号在文中画出答案,培养学生勾画、做批注的习惯。因为课堂上发现有些学生读书不动笔,这样的习惯是不利于学习的。

 3.  对于小学高年级的学生而言,英语思维的发展重要性逐步凸显出来。尤其是1班,学生对英语的学习渴望较强,教师应该力图通过不同形式、不同层次的活动,跳出机械认读的学习方式,激活学生的思维,满足学生求知欲望,因为学生思维发展是一个长期训练的过程。

 4. 在英语学习中,听、说、读、写、译五种能力是可以互补的。真正做到听说先行,读写跟上。光听说不读写,很难收到高效。尽管这是一节阅读训练课,但是只靠模仿不培养学习能力,也难减轻学习负担。所以中学生还是应当认真进行语言学习。