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Unit 1 More reading eye contact
本信息由 管理员于2017年10月11 日 发布 共 16471次访问

Teaching Objectives:

Knowledge Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

l   get a general idea of the material and fill out information gap about body language

l   know the meaning and pronunciation of some new words, such as prefer, gesture.

l   Know the method of skimming and scanning.

Ability Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

l   to practice students’ speaking abilities

Emotional Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

to help the students to know more about the culture

Major and difficult points:

    To grasp the reading strategy

To conclude the main idea of the passage


Teaching procedures:


Teaching activities

Learning activities

Teaching purpose











Review the story of Debbie and Simon.

Body language includes gesture and expression.

l   To help students to review and prepare for the topic.

Ask students “What is eye contact”?

Look for the answer in the book.

l   To activate Ss background knowledge about body languages.

l   To get into the topic.

Ask students to skim the passage and make the match of the main idea of the paras.

Skim the passage and grasp the main idea of each paras.

l   To help Ss learn how to get the main idea.








Ask Ss to read the passage carefully and answer some questions.

Read the passage carefully and understand the passage.

l   To help Ss understand the passage.

Ask Ss to do a form of the difference between Western and Asian culture.

Do a form according to the information in the book.

l   To develop Ss’ ability of cooperation.

l   To understand the passage in a more detailed way.


Give students some useful words and expressions to write some sentences.

Some of Ss present the report. Some Ss listen carefully.

l   To help Ss use the new-learned expressions in real situation.

l   To give Ss chance to speak in public.



l   Finish the exercises B1and B2 on page 13.





  相对于reading的较长篇幅,这篇more reading的篇幅较短,但是当中的一些生单词的用法还是比较重要的,比如说consider, lack and contact这些重点高考词;而且结构框架清晰,在教学中需要注意引导学生理清思路,教会学生分析文章框架的方法;另外,在文章中出现了几个代词,比如thisitthem,在教学中也要注意教授学生指示代词的含义,从而帮助理解文章,提高阅读理解的水平;最后,对于文中出现的andor意义的不同,要教会学生去理解并掌握做题技巧与方法。



1.       lead-in部分,通过联系reading部分的Body language 的相关知识,引出教学话题与重点,通过新旧知识的联系,一方面达到复习的目的,一方面达到知识迁移的目的。

2.       通过问题的形式引出文章中重难点的句子,并就其进行分析与讨论,通过让学生翻译的方式检查其是否真正理解了句子。

3.       在碰到一些生单词,不是直接告诉学生单词的含义,而是让其注意文中的语境进行推测,教会认识生单词的技巧。


1.       post-reading部分,活动设计与要求不够明确,且预留时间太少,导致学生无法将句子说出来。

2.       前面lead-in的时间过长,将过多的时间放在活动上,一定程度上忽视了对文章本身的深入理解。


1.       备课要充分,在上课前自己要对文章本身有十足的理解与把握,从而才可带着学生理解文章。

2.       对于活动的设计和指令要明确,从而保证活动的顺利进行。

3.       把握好上课进度与时间,不要头重脚轻。