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龚佳教学目标:让学生(尤其是学困生)对基础题的知识点有更明确的掌握;要求学生掌握一些结题的技巧;让学生有归纳、总结的能力;让学生养成整理“错题本”的好习惯;教学过程:一、听力1. 在short conversations中,对时间、地点,心情的题目得分较高、对作者意图,数字和俚语的听力得分较低,因此在分析时,强调原句的核心词汇、词组,并反复听。(题目标号:(4、5、7、8、9)2. Section2的二篇passage有难度,(11---15题),在听的过程中,以段落为单位,理解意思,并解释一些生词。二、语法词汇单选对典型错误的分析分析原题(1)17. Mr.Crossett was made __________his experiment because of his poor health and old age.A.give upB. giving upC.to give upD.given up操练的习题:(ppt)He noticed a thief _____(slip) into the house.Don’t make him ___(do) it if he doesn’t want to.I often heard the song ______(sing) , but I have never heard you_____( sing )itThe mother felt herself ______(grow) cold and her hands trembled as she read the letter from the battlefield.Shall I help you ______( carry) the box?The thief was noticed ______(slip) into the house. He was made ______( apologize )to the guest.注:在这一过程中,根据学生对原题目的得分情况,有针对性的对学生进行提问,在分析这些题的时候,对学生要做到有耐心、并及时地鼓励,让他们感觉到自己也能解决类似这样的题目。分析原题(2):16.The war_____ in 1937.A.was broken outB.had been broken outC.has broken outD.broke out (ppt)分析:这道题考查时态,一般过去时拓展:现在完成时和一般过去时的区别现在完成时是与现在有关的时态,属现在时态的范畴,它侧重于过去的动作对现在造成的影响;而一般过去时是一种过去时态,侧重于表示过去的动作,与现在无关。 例如:Yesterday I went to the zoo.昨天我去了动物园。(仅说明昨天去了动物园,与现在无关)Li Lei has read the book. 李磊已看过那本书。(说明李磊了解那本书的内容)操练的习题:(ppt)1. I first met Tom 10 years ago. He ______ in a radio factory at that time.A. had worked B. has workedC. was working D. has been working2. --- What ______ when I phoned you?--- I ______ my work, and I wanted to go out.A. have you done; finishedB. were you doing; have finishedC. did you do; had just finishedD. were you doing; had just finished3. --- Have you finished the report?--- No. I ______ it all this week.A. will do B. had doneC. have done D. have been doing注:这种题目的解题思路较简单,抓住特殊的时间状语,对应它的时态。因此在讲解时,要强调它的特殊性。四、完型与阅读考查学生的词汇、阅读能力,36-50为完形填空,较易理解、几乎无生词,要在把握全文主题的基础上,对于错的题目,分析原因;阅读的51---65多数问题有难度,要教授学生跳读,略读的阅读技巧,根据不同的体裁,用不同的阅读技巧来答题。五、翻译呈现)总共五题,难度适中,但学生的英语思维精确性不够原题分析:1---5题的考核点分析:1题:leave a… impression on2题:be senior to3题:for / because of lack of 拓展